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Turkeys R Us

A brief moment of whimsy….  the wild turkeys are plentiful around here, and in August we were treated nearly daily to the extended family outings…we love the family sitting on the nearly-rotten fence that divides the area we mow from the lower meadow:

The turkey clan hanging out on the fence....

and one more–there are 19 of them including 4 adults and 15 “chicks” (currently the size of chickens!):

The turkeys forage in the meadow, then take a break on the fence. We've actually seen them all fly...they are BIG birds!

Gobble gobble!

3 Responses to “Turkeys R Us”

  1. Jean F (from 7700 yahoo group) Says:

    I love to watch turkeys. They are so fascinating. My eldest Stepdaughter has a farm, and it’s fun to see then run around and make noise…

  2. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    How fun! Our city was “invaded” by wild turkeys (4 I believe) a few years ago. They were rather aggressive and had to be captured and released in less populated area. They could have stayed, but they attacked the mayor as she was walking to work. She is a sympathetic sort, but when she had to defend herself with her umbrella, she felt action had to be taken!

  3. Sally Field Says:

    Sarah—No fair!!! You have more turkeys than we do!