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The Frayed Edges Grid

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

I mentioned in an earlier post about our mini-group, the Frayed Edges, that we are having a group show in the Picker Room at the Camden Public Library (there is month-long show each month ranging from vintage lithographs and etchings to contemporary oils to art photography and more). We wanted to do a single group project, but one that our hectic lives would be able to absorb. We each contributed a photo, and each of us made a small project based on the five photos. I offered a photo I took last summer at the Ringling Museum, in Sarasota:


This photo and one Kathy took, of a brilliant orange beach umbrella, sand, sea and sky, are the two 5″ wide by 7″ tall pieces. The other three photos are also 7 inches tall, but 10 inches wide. That way when we hang them, each row will be of five 10″-tall pieces. So, here are mine, starting with mineAmphorae:

And here is the one I did from the photo Deborah contributed (photo was taken by her husband Jeff in Central America):Deborah400

Then I tried an abstract (actually, I did this one first, but love the way it turned out!). I fused up Kathy’s umbrella, then sliced it up into pieces and put it back together:

Kathy’s Umbrella, Abstracted

Hannah’s Flower was a challenge, so I think I’ll save that one for my next post, and show the first attempt, how I saved the first effort, and my second much more successful effort at the 7×10 size. That leaves Kate’s St. Michael’s church in Kiev. Kate’s daughter is adopted from the Ukraine, and she took these photos on the adoption trip. The domes and colors are spectacular in the original photo. All of us honed in on the domes immediately, but in very different ways. I decided to try my hand at foiling with beads:Kate’s St. Mike’s, Kiev, Ukraine

The Frayed Edges, June 2007

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

As usual we had a wonderful meeting, tho it was a bit hectic with summer, kids underfoot and Kate having to arrange last minute kid-care (and for all of us, kids come first!). We sat out on the back porch, where I for the most part forgot to take pictures. Ok, just checked the files. I forgot to take a lot of pictures!Deborah’s grid pieces

For our group show at the Camden Public Library (opens Aug. 2nd thru the 30th, Artists’ Reception on Saturday the 11th from 1-4 pm), we wanted to do a group project. We came up with the idea of a grid. Each of the five of us would contribute one photo (we all tossed several into the pile, then collectively picked one from each person). Then each of us would make one small piece based on that photo. In the end we will have a grid where each column is a different person’s “take” on that photo, and each row will be one person’s version of the five photos.

Deborah and I both managed to finish…hoooray! AND Deborah gets bonus points for not only finishing, but getting them done in time to mail to me for this month’s meeting! She is also the only one to decide to use some consistent themes, to make the five pieces a series. She did so by printing parts of the photos onto sheer fabric, then using a green print fabric underneath on at least a couple of them, and her “signature” writing on the quilts also. The photo above is Deborah’s work…3 of the 5 pieces.Group grid–in progress

The pieces are all 7 inches tall, the “horizontals” are 10 inches across, the small ones 5 inches across. We laid them out on my table (OK…plywood on planter pots with a Bolivian cloth on top…sorry about the visual clashing of the stripes and the quilted pieces). Deborah’s are the top row, mine are next, then Kates, and Hannah’s, and Kathy forgot hers at home! Kath and I will get everything organized for hanging in about two weeks. I’ll take better pics of mine and share them in a few days, and I promise they will have a more pleasing background!