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Spring is truly here!

A few days ago, I couldn’t help myself…. it was too glorious not to just take pictures of the colors. When there are scarcely any bare branches left, when you start sneezing, and maple trees leave drifts of green fluff on the ground, spring has arrived in all its glory in Maine! When the tips of the forsythia start to go green, you know summer will be here in a month…


Even the parking lot by the police/fire station is glorious, with this tree in bloom:

Tree in bloom

Just LOOK at this!


That sky! Now that is SCREAMING BLUE!

Even the pavement is beautiful… look at the silhouettes of the budding leaves….

Road silhouettes

and the dandelions…. did you know the word comes from the French “Dents de leons” meaning (literally) “teeth of the lions”?

Dandelions 1

Dandelions 2

Spring is HERE!

3 Responses to “Spring is truly here!”

  1. Jacquie Says:

    Spring is here all right — and isn’t it wonderful!
    After the winter we had it is a wonderful year for lilacs. The line from a poem has been echoing in my head, ‘When lilacs last in the doorway bloomed’, which I thought was by Amy Lowell, has been echoing in my head but I cannot verify it anywhere! Maddening — but the lilacs are lovely.

  2. Marie Says:

    Best time of year huh?! Welll .. and Fall too -especially a New England Fall ! Great photos SB !

  3. betty johnson Says:

    Sarah–great photos. Please let Jacquie know that her quote is from Walt Whitman, written, I believe, after Lincoln was assasinated.