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A Year and a Day

One year and one day ago, Joshua got hit by a car while riding his bike, and long-time readers will remember the saga of his getting evacuation by helicopter to the regional trauma hospital, six surgeries in three weeks, two transfusions, and lots of metal in and on his leg.  He had a seventh surgery in early November to remove the external fixator (the metal hardware on his shin).

Today, he is almost as good as new, with three truly wicked scars which will prompt story telling for the rest of his life.  When he is very tired and/or walks a very long way, he sometimes limps a bit, but he was able to wrestle with the 8th grade team!

We are so grateful he is alive, has both legs (without the excellent care he received, an accident like this even 10-15 years ago he would have lost the leg! shudder!), and that we are blessed and plagued by the usual joys of raising a teenage son in the 21st century!

I’d include a current photo, but the hard drive on my laptop committed suicide last week, and it will be a while before it is fixed.  I’ll try to keep up regular blogposts, but since I am currently working on a 6 1/2 year old dinosaur of a Dell, I may not be able to process photos… stay tuned!  And in my next post I’ll fill you in on the sad story of the laptop.  I think I’ll get the data back, but it’s gonna cost a fortune….more anon!

For now, we’re going to celebrate the fact that Joshua is alive and home for dinner with Chinese carry-out!

6 Responses to “A Year and a Day”

  1. LoieJ Says:

    As the parent of a “lively” son, now aged 24, who tried my patience and tired me out constantly, I can tell you that sometimes I had to consciously remember when he was in intensive care for 21 days at age 2 to remember to be thankful for his energy.

    Yes, Give thanks for modern medicine and good hospitals!

  2. sueeeus Says:

    Hooray for Joshua!!! That is just incredible.

  3. Barb Says:

    Wow, have I really been reading your blog for a year? So glad Joshua is doing well. I know when we move (with a very active 11 y/o) the first thing we locate is the emergency room. Luckily so far, we have only had to visit once and he LOVES his scar. Me, not so much!

  4. dee Says:

    I can’t think of a better celebration than that. So much to be grateful for. Blessings.

  5. terry grant Says:

    This post reminds me of how quickly time passes and how much we mark that time in terms of those significant events. So many of us in quilt list/ blog land. We don’t really know each other in the conventional sense, but we keep up with each others lives and share the moments of fear and relief and sadness and happiness that make us all human. I still remember being so concerned about your husband, when he had his heart attack and checking often for messages. I’m glad Joshua and all of you are doing so well! Take care!

  6. Jacquie Says:

    A whole year (and a day) already! Time flies whether you are having fun or not I guess…

    Happily your hard drive problems (bad as they are) can’t compare with what you went through this past year. Let’s hope that the computer will be the worst that happens for the coming year!