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Journal quilts 2008–rejected

Well, I’m TOTALLY bummed.   BOTH my entries to the Journal Quilts exhibit were rejected this year, the first year that it has been juried.  There were 150 entries, 48 got in, none of which were mine.  They were GOOD.  Sigh.  I’m just depressed.  I know rejection is part of the game, but I’ve had so many rejections for so long, and the journals mean so much to me, that I was really hoping to get one in this year.  Guess not.  Sigh.

The journal quilts debuted in 2002 I think… the year I joined the QuiltArt list.  I have participated in the non-juried exhibit every year since.  This is the first year there were limits on how many quilts.  Karey selected FIVE of my journals for the Creative Quilting:  The Journal Quilt Project book, and even opened one section of the book with three of my journals because she liked them so much.  So I know my work isn’t awful.  Sigh.

I won’t share the rejects yet…. someone online is going to organize a “latecomers” online exhibit to debut about the time of the real exhibit, so I’ll send mine in to that.   Sigh.  I’m just bummed.   Really bummed.  Kinda makes me want to not quilt and not work.  I’ll get over it {grin}!  Actually, since I first wrote this I’m doing better… I’m going to enter them somewhere else… off to look for a venue!

4 Responses to “Journal quilts 2008–rejected”

  1. LoieJ Says:

    Well, think of it this way: average the ones that Karey picked with the ones that didn’t get in and the number is still higher than some people achieved. I’m only half kidding. I’ve seen your work on line, so I’m assuming that these are probably just as appealing. But I guess the question is “appealing to whom?”

    I can understand the concept of journal quilts, but I have a personal problem with sharing something with a lot of emotion. My Why is the Sky Blue quilt for the on-line challenge has a lot of emotions. It was supposed to be hung locally, but something fell through and it is still rolled up in my basement.

  2. Donna Says:

    I know it’s a bummer but hang in there! Things can change quickly sometimes. I’ve never entered any exhibit but I am fairly new to art quilting. Never made a journal quilt either but maybe one day. Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you to keep plugging away. Sooner or later, you’ll get there.

  3. Natalya Says:

    sorry about your rejection, but congrats about the ribbon! i never even entered….

  4. ahava Says:

    That rejection is tough. Maybe you just need to organize an exhibit – the Salon des Refuse! Are you waiting to place them in a show before posting photos on your site?