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Rain, rain go away…don’t bother to come back

at least for a while. It has rained a LOT lately here in mid-coast Maine. That means it is very green. And Chilly. Today we didn’t get up to 60! There has also been a fair bit of wind, ripping leave to shreds. I don’t know why, but I loved the look of the leaf litter (and pollen bits) on the driveway:

And since it is allegedly summer, the dog is “blowing coat.” Tibetan Mastiff’s don’t have fur, they have hair. And they don’t shed. Except for once a year, when they blow (lose) their downy undercoat that keeps them warm in winter. One night, I set to work on Yeti with the comb ( a kind used on Akita’s and other double-coated dogs). In just over an hour, and working on only one side and part of his back and mane, I ended up with a pile of hair nearly as big as Yeti.

I have learned not to groom him like this wearing polar fleece. The hair NEVER comes off!

So that’s it for the mundane in my life…. hope to post details of the weekends Coastal Quilters (local guild chapter…like Art Quilts Maine also a part of the statewide Pine Tree Quilt Guild) meeting, and the current state of the nativity quilt.

4 Responses to “Rain, rain go away…don’t bother to come back”

  1. Mary Ann Littlejohn Says:

    Thursday the program at Houston Fiber Artists Assoc. was on felting. I have yarn a spinner friend made from the combings from my Shih Tsu with a show coat (then). No show, just coat. It can be spun…so I asked if she had ever heard of anyone felting the fluff. She said she hadn’t, but try it to see.

    You really needed another technique, didn’t you??

  2. Deb R Says:

    What’s the difference between hair and fur? Do all double-coated dogs have hair?

    One reason I’m curious is because my Riley (who is a total mutt – no clue what breeds are in her genetic make-up) is double coated like that. She’s currently going through that same thing where the fluffy undercoat is lifting off her body in clumps and I really need to rake it out about every other day (which she hates!) and each time I get a huge, HUGE pile of fluff. It’s amazing.

  3. PaMdora Says:

    Hey Sarah, great demo with lots of good advice. I think sometimes you learn all this stuff over time and it becomes a part of your instinctive work pattern, and you forget that everyone doesn’t know all this stuff. So it’s good that you’ve written it all out in detail, good refresher course for all of us!

  4. teri springer Says:

    Just talked to my dad and his wife…..they are having the same rotten weather in Nova Scotia. Hope it gets nicer by August!! I want to be able to walk the beach at Saco without freezing!!

    My shepherd blows his coat too…and the local birds just love it!
