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The Frayed Edges, March 2009

Ya know, from these photos you’d never know we did more than talk or eat!   We actually DID talk art and sewing, shared projects (and I could have SWORN I took a photos of Kathy’s latest bird quilt…ruffed grouse and her crabapple tree!), but nope…..   So you’ll just have to enjoy our togetherness!
Hannah and her daughter came… it is so much fun to see Nina grow from being an infant to a toddler and soon a little girl….


Kate hosted us at her  house, which is always wonderful.  We got to go see their own personal maple syrup source…with new-fangled plastic tap and bucket.  For those who aren’t from maple-syrup-regions, it takes 40 gallons of sap (which is clear like water and faintly sweet) to make 1 gallon of syrup (which darkens as it cooks):

The tap on the tree

The tap on the tree

and the bucket:

The bucket with sap dripping into it (normally covered to prevent bugs etc)

The bucket with sap dripping into it (normally covered to prevent bugs etc)

Here was lunch..see Deborah…I was thinking of you and actually remembered to take pictures of the wonderful Italian Wedding Soup Kate made, with homemade chicken/turkey meatballs:


And on the way home, a flock of wild turkey crossed the road and headed into the still-snowy woods:


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