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Stephen King, quilting and this and that…

Well another week has evaporated…I know I was busy all week, but it seems to have vanished anyway! I finished one quilt over the last weekend…even got the hanging sleeve on! It may look familiar, since I did a series of posts in September featuring the postcards. This is a way to give a fabric postcard (or series) a bit more substance:

I quilted a background (about 14×28 inches) separately. First, I placed the postcards on the background so I could mark around them in chalk and mark where the slope of Mt. Fuji ended. Then I could mark the quilting lines that connect the mountain slopes. In the foreground / bottom area, I quilted more hills just as I did in the cards, then added “cloud” quilting in the top area. Finally, I stitched the four postcards to the surface of the background quilt. I really like this way of displaying a series of cards!

I also finished reading “On Writing” by Stephen King…yes, the one who wrote Carrie and Cujo and various other ghastly stories, lives up near Bangor, part-owns the Boston Red Sox, and is the owner of the only Maine-owned radio station WKIT (which has cool rock music…stuff that isn’t bubble gum pop 40…neat stuff that you don’t hear other places, along with some hilarious stuff like –during deer season– the thirty-point buck, sung in a vaguely French-Canadian accent as “de tirty point buck”….you gotta hear it to believe it! Oh I LOVE the internet…here’s a link to it on Amazon, with a brief clip…sometimes crass but hilarious! OK…further surfing has led me to this site, which I can assure you I would never have visited otherwise… click here then look for the link to play the entire song…but be warned it is a bit crass at points. Ahem. We all have our tacky moments…this is one of mine, but it makes me laugh!). Hmm…I’m getting chatty so think I’ll save King for another blog post…but it’s a good book!

And I began work on a quilt for the FiberArts for a Cause “Reverse Auction.” (An aside–to see the FFAC page, look in the sidebar on the right for a button and click on it) I am REALLY happy with how it is turning out…as a tease, here is an early glimpse. I had wanted to do a nude, just a thread painting, for the FFAC, but Virginia told me someone else was doing one, and I didn’t want to do the same thing. That night I dreamed that I was to do a quilt about a Maine stone wall, so I figured that was a sign and a decision. These walls are everywhere…it’s rocky around here. Here is my neighbor’s “fence”:

I decided to make TWO similar quilts…. they will be called : A Sense of Place: The Wall, and A Sense of Place: The Tree. The smaller of the two (20×27 inches) will go to FFAC, the larger (about 30×28 inches) will maybe go to shows or maybe just go up for sale, or maybe hang in my studio until I can part with it (as I said, I’m really liking these two pieces!). Here are the two on my messy design wall:

And here is a closer picture of the larger of the two, the one on the left:

And here is a subsequent picture showing the beginnings of the branches:

Stay tuned for further pictures!

And today I gave a talk on Thread to my local guild chapter, The Coastal Quilters. We had some fun show and share and a good crowd…maybe I’ll blog about that later in the week, too! Betty…if you read this, may I share the photo of you and your quilt? And Carrie Hedstrom, don’t know if you’re reading but I’d love to include yours, too…wish I had snapped more photos of the other sharing!

If anyone is in the vicinity of Nobleboro, Maine, on Saturday, I’ll also be teaching Machine Applique at Mainely Sewing! The phone is 563-8445. OK, that’s enough of this and that for tonight! Back soon with more.

6 Responses to “Stephen King, quilting and this and that…”

  1. kathy Says:

    you HAVE been a busy girl…wish I were. Maybe somem of your enthusiasm will rub off on me next week. Sit close.

  2. Diana Says:

    I love your two new quilts that you have started. Quite a few years ago I had a chance to visit Maine, what a great place. Many things about the people in Maine were similar to people of Northern Wisconsin and the UP including your Thirty Point Buck song which we hear repeated throughout our hunting season too. I’m looing forward to seeing the finale of your new projects.

  3. Feeling Simply Quilty Says:

    Great Quilts! I like all kinds of quilting, but, am partial to the contemporary stuff. You’ve done a nice depth perception-very effective.

  4. Karoda Says:

    what a neat idea with the postcard quilt and it does give them more humph!

    And I didn’t know that King was part owner of a sports team…and radio station…

  5. Deirdre Says:

    Sarah – it took a few seconds for me to realize that there were 2 quilts on your design wall, when I viewed the smaller pic. Great design and I can see why you love it. Do you use fused raw edge applique?

    I also like the color of your design wall – it is very calming/restful and I think it shows off the colors and white very well, I’m guessing its flannel?

  6. Deborah Says:

    lovelovelovelovelove the stone wall!

    I love Stephen King. I’ve never read any of his novels. But I’m so intrigued by him. I’ve heard On Writing is excellent. Sometimes I read the column he writes for Entertainment Weekly. You can get it off their website.