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Rolling over in his grave

My dad was, quite literally, born in the Victorian era, in 1899.  He would NOT believe what I did this week, or what Joshua did:

Yes, that is my  nearly 17-year-old with pirate-stud-earrings.  He actually tried to pierce his own ears (unbeknownst to us, in the bathroom, using a kit, an apple–behind the ear, and a safety pin).  OW! He has been after me for a while to allow this, and I of course stalled.  However, after having attempted it on his own, I decided it was time to just cave in.  I am weak.  So we went to WalMart.  Since he already had steel metal studs, he picked these…quite suitable for the son of a Fiber Pirate!
But still, my dear old dad would be (if he were buried instead of cremated and scattered outside the Golden Gate) spinning in his grave.  And yes, Joshua has a beard.  How do I have a son with earrings and beard who is nearly 17?   That vortex you hear is time disappearing at warp speed…….

8 Responses to “Rolling over in his grave”

  1. Dorothy Karman Says:

    I’m sure he lied about his age, as I’m sure you aren’t old enough to have a nearly 17 year old son. Dorothy.

  2. Anne Huskey Lockard Says:

    You raised a proper son!!!
    Okay, my tale….I tried piercing my bellybutton, as I was too tight to pay what they wanted at the local shop.
    No, it did not work as that skin is uber-tough. But even at 50……hmmmmmmm…. 😉
    Love the earring!


  3. Jana Says:

    I DID get my belly button pierced at 51!!! It was my “award” for losing weight. I say it is a constant reminder not to gain the weight back!

  4. Wendy L Starn Says:

    MUCH easier to remove than a tattoo!
    My 20 year old (drummer)son has more earrings(3) than his 23 year old (ballet dancer) sister. I had hoped he would just do the crazy hair thing (and he did: he had a bleached mohawk for 5 days), but at least earrings come out (for when you are waiting tables and want a tip). You must have a very liberal school district. Here it’s uniforms, no beards, no earrings, hair above bottom of collar. Son got sent home a couple of times for dress code violations. I was glad when he graduated!

  5. Jan Says:

    Right on! You have raised him right, ha ha!

  6. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Ouch! I have faced surgeries without qualms but the thought of piercing any part of my body gives me the jim-jams. I know it is a fashionable modern phenomenon. renewing an age old one, but I’ll remain a stick-in-the mud with a whole skin!
    Still — the pirates are cool — and it is cool to have an understanding mom who is not as old as she is feeling at the moment.

  7. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    I took my son when he was 15 to get his ear pierced. Yes, it is much better than a tatoo. And I pierced my own ears back in the late 60’s, ice cube and a sterilized hat pin!

  8. Teri Says:

    Joey (who turned 19 in August) came home one day with his ears pierced and diamond studs…Little sh*&…..I need to get mine repierced as they closed up on me.

    Tell Josh he’s got Joey beat on the beard….Joey can’t even grow a mustache!