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Intro to Machine Quilting

Last weekend I taught my intro to Machine Quilting at Maine-ly Sewing in Nobleboro, Maine.  The class was the first one in Maine where I’ve used the digital projector and “slide” (digital) presentation that I use for the national travel-teaching classes, and it worked as well here as on the road.  I believe fervently that new quilters need to understand that you must have the proper foundation to quilt well—it is more than just doing the machine quilting!  I use a painting analogy:  if you don’t sand off the cracking paint, spackle and prime the window frame, then it doesn’t matter if you have the best paint, painter and paintbrush in the world.  The paint job won’t be well done.  Similarly, you need to understand your fabric, batting, needle, thread, basting, and machine set-up if you are to achieve good results.

I used the new floral sampler in class (which I shared here and here), and several of the students gave it a whirl.  As usual, the class went by in flash–before I remembered to take pictures.  Students came from far and wide…as far as Bangor and Farmington, plus one visitor from Ohio, so I really appreciate the effort the ladies made to come take a class with me.  Distances here in Maine are longer than the miles because the roads are 2-lane country roads!

This student was following the grid sampler for free-motion patterns that I have taught the past six years (click to view larger) and is included in my book:

She is doing the perfect thing….tracing the design with her pen prior to sewing to get the feel of the design and how her hands will move:

Then, the actual quilting process:

And trying out the flower/big print process (I liked the fabric she bought so much I went up and bought some, too!):

I’ve decided I like the way my sampler turned out so well I’m going to make a BIG bed quilt using these colorful fabrics and white sashing.  I think the piecing will be easy, it will be colorful and pretty, and would be a perfect project for a future book…heh heh…..just don’t hold your breaths, there is WAY too much life happening here for me to get to writing a book soon.  Sigh!

3 Responses to “Intro to Machine Quilting”

  1. Jacquie Says:

    One thing does seem to lead to another …

  2. Stacy Hurt Says:

    Oh WOW! I LOVE the idea of putting that little square of fabric in the middle & then taking off from there! GREAT idea to be inspired for more quilt designs!

  3. Art and Quilting in Camden » Blog Archive » The GINORMOUS quilt top Says:

    […] So, you might ask, does Sarah EVER make quilts any more?  Art quilts?  Bed quilts?  Lap Quilts?  ANYthing?  Some days it feels like the answer is no, there is so much life happening that I can barely manage to get myself dressed and stumble through a day!  But I have managed a few new class samples and a few other things.  A while back, I wrote about Jenny Bowker’s totally awesome idea (seen in her blogpost,  here) and my riff on the subject here and here. […]