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Home*Hope*Home, Part 1

Going up the driveway (first hill very icy and slick!) toward the morning sun; house faces north...

We are here at last!  I took this shots as I drove up the loooonnngggg driveway on Friday morning, which would be our first night in the house.  Here’s the house, a view from the driveway to the view (north) and the hill behind (south), and a closer look at the entry porch:

There is more snow than Camden, but those big hummocks are plow piles!

you enter the house from the porch by the entry hall and kitchen (on the right)

I had my car packed to the rafters with assorted stuff, but decided I really should carry a quilt in as the first thing in the house:

I had cleaning supplies with me, buit didn't want the first stuff in the house to be drudgery, so I grabbed this quilt from the top of the pile in the back of my car and just popped it up on an available support in the dining room (which *will* be painted a different color!)

The moving van

The drive was icy, so the movers put down old pads to make the trip into the house safer

left at about 3:15 Friday, February 11th, and we have unpacked like dervishes since.  At least in the kitchen it is looking like we have made some headway!  Here is a “before” of the entry and kitchen:

Heaps and piles everywhere. There are still some, but smaller after five days of unpacking....and different stuff!

And the other end of the room, the kitchen

And birdies!

The chickadees were voracious! Have bought seed!

More pictures soon…..

17 Responses to “Home*Hope*Home, Part 1”

  1. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    I can see you have been very busy. Like the first quilt into the new house — good vibes!

  2. Sally.Westcott Says:

    Enjoy the process of making it all yours!


  3. Vicki W Says:

    How exciting! Welcome home!

  4. Linda Jacks Says:

    It’s really fun seeing how you live in the frozen north. We don’t have much snow left here in Virginia, but even at 70 degrees today it didn’t all melt, so I don’t see how yours will ever go away.
    Won’t it be great to get back to your sewing. Who needs zen when we have fabric and thread?

  5. Gerrie Says:

    Oh, you have a lot of work to do. But as a frequent mover, I have always loved feathering my nest in a new place. Enjoy!!

  6. Marjolijn Says:

    Congrats with your new home! It looks great. Yes, a lot to do to make it your own real home. It is so important to start with making it your own. A quilt is a very good start. That feels good. I hope you and your family will be very happy here.

  7. Judy Warner Says:

    Sarah, it looks like this will be a totally inspirational place to live!

  8. Sally Says:

    So glad to see your post and the glimpse ofyour new home. Love the house and the views look fantastic. In spite of all the work, isn’t it fun to stand and contemplate “where should this go, and that?” Wishing you the best for good times and pleasant memories in your new home.

  9. KrisC Says:

    It is so good to have you back on line, Sarah. We missed you.

  10. Jean from 7700 yahoo group Says:

    Having recently moved, I appreciate the work that went into the packing and unpacking. I can officially say that we are done.

    I am so happy that this home worked out for y’all. I’m looking forward to hearing new adventures and how the new surroundings will boost your creativity.

    Hugs and smiles

  11. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    Awesome! Good karma to hang a quilt first thing! I love the porches and what a view!

  12. Debby H. Says:

    I agree, it’s so interesting to see your post and living in all of the snow as if it’s nothing! We have 70+ temps here this week-end with our doors wide open to welcome in the warm breeze! I just can’t imagine living up there, but you make it seem so wonderful and great and I know you’d never survive our hot humid summers! So glad to see that you’re in your new home! How exciting! And yes keep the pictures coming!

  13. Chris Gilman Says:

    ….. and you didn’t have to take a ferry to get to your new home!

    Hope you and your family are very happy!

  14. Ann E. Ruthsdottir Says:

    BEAUTIFUL! Now you will have to change your heading\signature from Camden to Hope. Hope sounds so very good.

  15. Carolyn Says:

    Awesome! So glad you are ahead of schedule! Looking at all those boxes, I don’t envy you all the work, but the house looks really nice! Won’t be long until it is all put away and you really make it “yours” and you can get back to quilting and writing!

  16. MarieD Says:

    Let me add to the chorus singing out, “Welcome Home!” I can tell you’re going to be very happy in your new home.

  17. Carol Trullard Says:

    thanks for sharing your moving experience with us, Sarah. Looks like you’ll have a LOT of snow to shovel there!