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Joshua update, September 2007

Someone asked off list, so I thought I’d post here that Joshua, who had the horrific accident this summer when he got hit by a car… well, more like he hit the car while on his bike (the brakes failed and he couldn’t crank around the 90 degree turn at the bottom of the hill at that speed without crossing just over the line, and slammed into the front quarter panel of a Jeep going 35 mph). Here’s the boy on Sept. 23, with freshly washed hair:Joshua Sespt. 23 2007

Anyway, after five surgeries, two transfusions, two fasciotomies (slices up the side of his leg to alleviate swelling and save the leg), about 10 days on morphine, two skin grafts to close up the fasciotomies, and 21 days (!!!!) in the regional trauma center up in Bangor (90 minutes away…. we took turns spending the night up there, then coming home and walking dogs, cleaning litter box, etc), he came home with a rod the length of his thigh hammered into the center of the bone and an erector set screwed into his shinbones with six long screws/rods. After 3 days he decided the walker was a pain in the tush, so switched to crutches. Here’s a photo of his lower leg, with most of the hardware still in place and one of two scars. He was getting annoyed with me (so must be feeling like himself, a 13 year old boy!) so I didn’t get a pic of the other scar on the inside, which is a bit larger and “z” shaped).Joshua’s leg

By the time school began after labor day, he was able to attend an away-camp for 8th graders (he couldn’t do the cool stuff like climbing up a tree or going in the harness on the squirrel walk…a line 50 feet up in the trees …. he tried the latter, but the harness rubbed on a bolt at the top of his thigh that holds the rod in place and it hurt too much). While there, he decided the crutches were too much of a nuisance during the cafeteria line, so he just walked! A week later, the x-rays / c heck-up showed bone growth and enough improvement that the doctor took off one of the 3 vertical rods on the erector set, and said he things Joshua will be able to have the hardware removed in mid-to-late October (a sixth surgery). At that point they’ll take the pin at the top of his hip out, too, since it hurts him when he has to walk a lot.

About 10 days ago, he quit using the crutches entirely! And, most amazing of all (I think), the orthopaedic surgeon thinks Joshua will be ready to wrestle when the season starts in February! We’re planning on keeping the hardware (I am thinking wind chimes… perhaps hung from part of the mangled bike LOL!). And, he’s now a smidge taller than I am (he actually grew while he was in the hospital I think!), and I expect by Christmas may be taller than his dad!

And oh yeah: thank heavens for insurance! Through some angel’s hand, we switched from our previous 80/20 policy in January to the slightly more expensive Blue Cross federal (Paul as a federal retiree gets health insurance). Durned good thing. All the bills aren’t in yet, and there is one more surgery, but so far–since it was an accident–of the $150,000+ in bills (EEEEEK!) we have had a total of $200 in co-payments. If we hadn’t switched, we’d be taking out a second mortgage…..

9 Responses to “Joshua update, September 2007”

  1. Marie Says:

    The human body and youth are utterly amazing things – miracles really. ‘Course modern medicine is really a blessing too in many ways ! SO HAPPY for all of you ! You especially I think !

    PS: LOVE the Quiltng Arts article ! Congratulations on that !

  2. joan Says:

    that is one impressive scar!

  3. Sandra Wyman Says:

    Oh to be young again and able to mend so quickly. Bet they were queuing up to see the scar when he went back to school. Anyway great to hear Joshua’s on the mend – and that you survived all the traumas!

  4. Debby Says:

    God is good! Your son is a walking testimony of that for sure! And the insurance timing is a second testimony! The scar looks like a tatoo, so it looks like your 13 year old already is ahead of that game and I would say free tatoo, but actually a very expensive one! Glad to see things are getting back to normal around there! Just don’t forget to cherish each other and each day you have together! Oh and loving your quilting articles! Way to Go Sarah!!

  5. debbi Says:

    WOW! What a scar. It truly is a blessing Joshua is healing so fast. I am sending my best to all of you.

  6. Robin Parton Says:

    That sure is some scar! I am so glad that Josh is doing so well. Enjoyed part two of your finishing instructions in Quilting Arts, my magazine just came last night.

  7. Jana Says:

    Wow, Sarah, I hadn’t looked at your site in quite some time and I am very impressed with Josh’s progress! Praise God!

    As to Blue Cross Federal, we have had it for years and I have been very satisfied with it. My husband is also retired federal employee and we kept that insurance in effect! Glad to know it really pays in emergencies!

  8. Suzette Says:

    Thanks. I just came to get this answer as well. It sounds as though this won’t effect the growth plates in that leg. Kids are so resilient. Will he have to do physical therapy at all when the hardware is out? Most kids get that just because they are kids!

    I am glad he is well. Please give him my best from Texas! My nephew too hit a car on his bike. Thank goodness for helmets. He did have a concussion and was unconcious but once he came to no other issues. Tell him never “fly” faster than his guardian angel!

  9. Andrew Linendoll Says:

    I happened to come across this picture on Google and I read what happened. I am glad he is doing good considering what happened. How is Joshua doing now a few years later?