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My free-motion quilting (FMQ) lessons at!

Hi all!  For nearly 8 years now (whoosh…the sound of time whizzing by!) I have been privileged to work with Janome-America and use one of their fantabulous machines for my work, starting with the 6500, moving to the 6600, and now the delectable 7700.  Starting yesterday, they are featuring three blog lessons from me on machine quilting on the Janome-America website!

The beautiful ruby Horizon 7700 (mine is named Rubeus Hagrid, after the friendly half-giant in the Harry Potter series) with a project from my book. I used the First Frost pattern/instructions to make this gift for the host family in Australia when my son visited there this summer with a group of middle schoolers from central and upper Maine.

Go here to the Janome-America home page and follow the links (scroll down if you need to reach the October 14th post) to your free FMQ lesson number one.  Here’s a link directly to the lesson.  And here’s a link to the Horizon 7700, the machine I currently use and love!

I’m so happy to be able to share this information with you and through Janome.  They have been wonderful supporters, including me in the program before my first article or quilt was published.  I have done so much in the past 8 years that they have sponsored me, that it is hard to fathom–from complete unknown to exhibiting for the first time at Houston to being published in a magazine, then a series of articles for Machine Quilting Unlimited, to articles in Quilting Arts, to teaching in national venues like IQA Houston, AQS Paducah and Knoxville, NQA in Ohio, and guilds across the nation, writing my first (but I hope not last) book, and even winning an award in Houston.  It is sometimes hard to believe this has all happened to me.  And I am so thankful to Janome for their support and their machines, which have helped me do all of this.

So please, surf on over to the Janome site and feel free to download a copy of my lessons for your personal use! Wooohooo!

7 Responses to “My free-motion quilting (FMQ) lessons at!”

  1. Gerrie Says:

    I have this machine and have not done much FMQ with it. I am excited to check out your articles.

  2. Martha Ginn Says:

    Sarah, great tutorial on FMQ at the Janome site. I have the 6500 and have nothing but high praise for that marvelous workhorse. It just needs me at the reins more often than it gets. LOL.

  3. Donna Keller Says:

    I just printed your first lesson, and I look forward to reading it. I have the 6600, and I want to check out the 7700 in Houston if I get to go. Will you be in Houston?

  4. Jackie W Says:


    First, it is because of you that for the first time ever I bought a new machine, and it is the Janome 7700=) Now, I do free motion on every single quilt. I know I need to get a second bobbin, you mention that there is a blue arrow bobbin case I can get… is this what I would ask for at my dealer? I have never tried different threads other than the 50 wt. And yes, your book is at the very very top of my Christmas list.

    Thank you for your blog.

  5. JACQUIE Says:

    Hard to believe that it has been 8 years since the 6500 came out but not that you have accomplished so much in that length of time. Keep it up but remember to ENJOY!

  6. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    What can I say, you rock!

  7. BarbR Says:

    Your first tutorial at Janome was excellent. I’m ready and eagerly looking forward to the next installments. =!=