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The Magi by Peter, Paul and Mary

There area few things that are essential to the holidays, no matter what your faith.  First and foremost is family, friends and love.  Then there are a few things that I do or listen to that are required for it to really feel like the holiday season.  Peter, Paul and Mary’s Holiday Concert is at the top of that list.  I first saw it on PBS.  I bought the VHS tape.  Then I bought the DVD.  Then I bought the music on iTunes.  I love almost every song on the show, and this is one of my favorites, The Magi.  I love poetry and the beauty of the lyrics… I hope you will enjoy this performance.

Listen with a sense of wonder…. “as an eagle flying higher…”

For the heart of man’s a palace
And his dreams are as the sunlight
They burn away the darkness, as they warm the freezing cold
As an eagle flying higher, as a river through the canyon
The diamond star shines down upon, a pathway to the soul

And the wisemen spoke of peace on earth,
Of harmony and struggle
Now you know a cycle’s gone and a new one is revealed.
In the weaving of your fingers
In the whisper of a love that’s born again
In the weaving of your fingers
In a promise that we made that never ends.

Song by Peter Yarrow and Joe Henry; copyright of both the song and the performance is to Peter, Paul and Mary.

All faiths are simply different pathways to the same holy place.  Enjoy and peace be with you.

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