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Has anyone noted that “meme” (please add accent circonflex over the first “e”…that’s the chinaman’s hat accent) is the same as “me! me!”??? And joining the fray thanks to DebR:

Four Jobs You’ve Had:

Foreign Service Officer (aka US diplomat);
house cleaner;
Sew-er for an interior decorator (fabricator? the person who made the duvets and bedskirts and pillows and window treatments for the wealthy…)

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir; Bridge Over the River Kwai; White Christmas; The King of Hearts

Four Places You’ve Lived:
only four? That just takes care of the last 8 years…… OK, from age toddler to now a selection:
Bangkok, Thailand (age 3);
Marin County, California (age 6-17);
Libreville, Gabon (central Africa, on the equator south of Nigeria–age, 30-32);
Camden, Maine (now!)

Four TV Shows you love to Watch:

Two and a Half Men;
CSI (the original…Las Vegas one);
sometimes What Not To Wear (BBC….a screamer, but they *do* make the women look better); West Wing

Four Places You’ve Been on Vacation:

I remember vacations….
a favorite from the DINK days (dual income, no kids): Caneel Bay/St. John USVI;
Friday Harbor, Wash. (and then we moved there);
Albert Schweitzer’s clinic on the Ooguee River, Gabon;
Machu Picchu, Peru.

Four Websites You Visit Every Day: and NYTimes online.
The rest I visit many days but not all: (used as my books in print!), assorted folks on the Artful Quilters Ring, and sometimes eQuilter or various art sites.

Four Of Your Favorite Foods:

Chocolate when I’m not overweight.
Bread–really good, crusty, fresh bread — if French or sourdough, with European-style unsalted butter—HEAVEN in my mouth!

Four Places You’d Rather Be:

For once in my life, I’m happy where I am–at last, contentment. But if I could travel:
Mozambique and southern Africa;
Australia (all of it!);
New Zealand;
Caneel Bay (need a lottery, don’t I?)

Four Albums You Can’t Live Without:

OK…I’m another one that isn’t super into music. But four artists or groups: anything from the Celtic diaspora from
Makem and Clancy (Irish), to
Eric Bogle (Australia),
Loreena McKennit (Ireland or is it Scotland?), and
Peter Paul and Mary.
Oh year…don’t forget Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger, especially together!

Four People You’ll Pass This On To:
nyone who wants me too….I’m so new at this I don’t know who to meme, so write me and I’ll add you
Here, or

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