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The Frayed Edges, September 2008–part deux

Our Frayed Edges merriment continued…. starting with mojitos by Kate, made with mint fresh from her garden (as an aside… I may be the only person on the planet who has managed to kill mint….  we got some, but it was in a planter left outside in winter…a large planter, but nonetheless it was too cold, besides which our garden is too shady even for mint, tho we get a bumper crop of moss and mushrooms).  Here’s mine:

My Mojito

And all of us toasting:

Toasting with mjoitos

I’d never had a mojito before, but I do think I should like to have another, especially in such fine company! Kathy and Kate do seem to be enjoying dinner (a potluck affair, as we didn’t want to muck up the kitchen in someone else’s house!)

Dinner, Kate and Kathy

Then it was time to swap! we had decided quite some time earlier to do another trade, like our 5×8 memo pad covers.  This time we used a pattern from Jake Finch’s Fast Fun and East Book Cover Art Book:

Jake’s book

Here are five journals / sketchbook covers, with pencil pockets inside…. life overtook Hannah, so she ended up not making one, but Deborah had made a couple so she generously gave Hannah one, so now we all five have one.   From left to right these were made by me (lime and aqua), Deborah (painted cloth), Kate (rust-dyed and discharged fabric, with watch parts to be added), Deborah (trademark embroidery!), Kathy (trademark luminous blues!):

sketchbook swap

I was SO lucky to receive Kate’s!   I love it!

And in Parte Tres, I’ll share our Mandala workshop!

4 Responses to “The Frayed Edges, September 2008–part deux”

  1. judy Says:

    Several art quilters and I had mojitos this weekend at my place this weekend too, Yum! We had planned to make it also an art play date. But because of all the rain and flooding we got a late start and ate and drank first. Needless to say not much art got made, but we had a great time! And i did manage to demonstrate a faced binding without sewing through my thumb, lol.

  2. Tracy Ward Says:

    OHHH, I just love mojitos! My cousin and I just had a trip to Atlantic City where we sat on the beach listening to live 70’s music and drank mojitos. Your post bought back memories.


  3. LoieJ Says:

    I remember when you were contemplating your move, as you reported on QA. You must be more than satisfied with what you “got into” in Maine: good art and good friends and good critiques! WOW

  4. Robin Parton Says:

    Sarah Ann,
    I recieved my copy of Machine Quilting last night and who had a great article on needles? Our very own Sarah Ann!
    It was a very good article, I like your writing style. The article reminded my of a few things I knew but had forgotten.
    I will look forward to more articles since you are now a regular contributor.
    Robin in NC