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It’s DONE! and It’s COLD!

I cordially invite you to join me in a totally uninhibited MAJOR snoopy dance, but first, a break for a local weather report….

This is what our weather station said this morning when we got up (and when the boys had to go out to the bus stop):


Yes, folks, that is FIFTEEN BELOW ZERO, here in usually-balmy Camden, Maine.  It hasn’t been this cold here in five years, and although it isn’t unheard of, it is rare.  Fortunately, the wind wasn’t blowing.   And you should (or perhaps not) see/feel the static electricity with 9 percent indoor humidity.  I made the mistake of leaving my earbuds in from my iPod while pulling a polar fleece neck gaitor off the other day…static, right into the cords into my ears.  UNfun!

But now, for the cause for CELEBRATION! what you see below is TWO YEARS of work!


The binder on the right is the completed manuscript and CD ready to be mailed in the box (behind it) to AQS (folder in the center holds the contract).  The binder in the back left is my earlier working copies, and the overflowing binder on the left is my final working draft plus ALL the illustrations/samples that aren’t real quilts.

Just in case this isn’t enough for you (it wasn’t for me), here’s another view…. and for the record, thanks to an error in Word (which has a *(^&*%^&*@ mind of its own) which caused me to re-print 40 pages, I used nearly 400 sheets of paper and  one and a half extra-capacity black ink cartridges (those things cost $23!!!!! EACH) just to print the stuff in the binder on the right.  My last ink bill for two black and three color (cyan, magenta and yellow) cartridges was $86!  Anyway….lookit all that paper!


As I wrote to my editor upon returning from FedEx, I am ABSURDLY ELATED!  Then I cleaned off my worktable, where a large stack of batiks, used for book samples, has lived for the past two years.  I am grateful to AQS for being so understanding about the delays in submitting the manuscript (first Joshua’s accident, then Paul’s shoulder surgery, then mom’s move and decline).  And now it is IN!   Here’s to hoping they don’t cut too much.  I can live with cutting projects easily, but I want so much for the “meat” to stay in the book…. stay tuned!

10 Responses to “It’s DONE! and It’s COLD!”

  1. Dale Anne Says:

    I look forward to seeing you post the finished cover and pre-order date, etc.

  2. LoieJ Says:

    We had 40 below this morning. I posted a picture of the thermometer on the other blog.

  3. Lisa Says:

    Congratulations – now comes the exciting part!
    Can’t wait to see it. Well done.

  4. Ilana Joffe Says:

    Woo Hoo!!!! I am so excited for you. I’m also excited for myself cause I’ll be able to get your book pretty soon. I can’t wait!

  5. mathea daunheimer Says:

    Wow!!! Congrats!!! I am very happy for you Sarah. You must be so psyched. I cannot wait to see it in print. Oh and yes it was a tad nippy this morning…I am just glad we are not in Canada where my cousins are they had temps like LoieJ… have fun!

  6. Maggie in E. Central Illinois Says:

    WooHoo! Wow, that must be a load off your mind! I am doing the happy dance for you! And we are that cold here in E. Central Illinois, with wind to boot!
    Cannot wait to see the finished product and add this to my library!

  7. Deirdre Says:

    Hey Sarah, I didn’t know you were writing a book!

    😀 eirdre

    ps – KUDOS!

  8. Wil Says:

    Congratulations Sarah! At last time to play 🙂

  9. Maria Peagler Says:

    The moment you send off your manuscript is both a joy and an enormous relief. You must feel like you’ve given birth to a third child! One of my manuscripts was over 1,000 pages when I sent it off to the publisher. Once they typeset it was *only* 600 pages. Yikes. We’ll all be looking for the book from AQS. Now do something really nice for yourself and take a well-deserved breather!

  10. Nic Bridges Says:

    Congratulations Sarah – you have every right to feel elated – what an achievement!