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Workshops & Calendar

Come to my lecture on the journal quilts, Jan 31

When:    January 31, 2009 (snow date:  February 7), 12:30

Where:  Jewett Hall, University of Maine at Augusta (just down from the Convention Center where we have Maine Quilts)

What:  Lecture on Journal Quilts and journals for quilters

When Mary Coombs asked me to give the January lecture I said I’d love to, but at the time had only one lecture “on the shelf.”  Since I have already given it several times around the state, I felt I needed to prepare something new for the PTQG.  She suggested the journal quilts, and idea I immediately loved, since I feel the journal quilts have been integral and essential to the success I’ve had in the past few years as a quilter.

I’ll have all of the journal quilts that I made (that aren’t sold…have most of them), plus will do a “slide” (digital) presentation and talk on the journal quilt project, how it began, with quilts by Maria Elkins, whom I think did the best job of anyone throughout the years of the formal journal project in using the process to learn, a variety of journal quilts by various artists from 2007 and 2008, a bit about how to use paper journals to help your own quilting, and ideas about how you can use the journal quilts to learn and grow.

The PTQG meets regularly on a statewide basis (in addition to the many, MANY local guild chapter meetings).  This is one of those meetings, which begins at 9:30.  The business portion of the meeting will take place in the morning, they’ll break about 11:30 for lunch.   People can come as guests as far as I know.  Show and tell follows the lecture.

Hope to see you there… if you are come up and say hi and say you saw this on my blog!

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