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As you might gather by my absence (provided anyone noticed it… I know jq did…but anyone else out there as insanely busy as I am?), I have been busy.   Sufficiently busy that the blog has been sadly neglected!  Among other things, this is what I have been doing:

Yes, that is 1172 new photocopies, added to about 300-400 leftover photocopies, all handouts for my classes in June and July, plus my “teacher’s binders.”  Many pieces of paper, many pounds, many dollars–and about 14 inches across from handle to handle!   I’ll be teaching at the National Quilt Association show in Columbus, Ohio (next week) and then at the AQS show in Knoxville, Tennessee (mid-July).  Enrollment in the latter is low…the economic recovery must not have taken hold as firmly down South as in other parts of the country…so DO come and sign up!

I’ve been busy with family stuff…yesterday was SO much fun!   It was the end of 6th Grade Spirit Week (also known as what to do with the kids the last week of school so everyone stays mostly sane), and the “Dance Through the Decades” program.  The brainchild of Mr. Morse, possibly one of the best social studies and 6th grade teachers EVER, and a colleague whose name alas I don’t recall (she was a substitute teacher 6 years ago when he came up with this one, and volunteered to help, and she has every year bless her!), the kids dress up, learn dances, and put on a show…all in a week.  It was a GAS!  This photo is the 50s, with my younger son in the front row, far left.  Way cool!

I have also, miracle of miracles, been able to do some quilting, after returning from teaching.  Here  is what my design wall looked like earlier this week…colorful!   Busy!  I’ll blog about these plus the fun time I had teaching in Arizona and later Massachusetts in April and early May.  I got seriously slowed down blogging because while in Arizona, my laptop DIED–utterly deceased–two days before the slide show lecture.  We limped through and did fine, but my what stress!  Then when I got home I had to restore everything (thank heavens I had good back-ups and Macs are easy!), then get back in the swing.  Anyway….here’s the wall…stay tuned for more!

9 Responses to “Busy!”

  1. Kathy Schmidt Says:

    Sarah–you have been missed! And I’m excited that I’m going to be taking your class in Columbus…but I have been crazy busy, too. Must be the time of year. I’m sure we could never be over-committed! Hope Knoxville registration picks up for all concerned.

  2. Jackie W Says:

    Oh, I love the blue one on the wall… keep blogging pls!!!

  3. Jackie W Says:

    Oh, I love the blue one on the wall… keep blogging pls.

  4. Debby H. Says:

    Hello Sarah, Yes, I missed you and was giving you until Saturday to post before sending out an APB (I think that’s what they call it from all my police TV watching.) Good to see you up and kicking and busy as usual! The design wall looks so delicious! I’m sure it’s fabulous work! And the 50’s show looks like so much fun! I’m going to try to work it out to get over to Knoxville in July, but I’ll have to see how that works out in my schedule! Hopefully I’ll see you there!

  5. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    I missed your blog, but always know that you are a busy lady! Hope your laptop stays healthy!

  6. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Nice to find you here again when I check out your blog in the mornings. I’m guessing that the fascinating blue piece at the lower right is part of the new vest and can’t wait to see how you do the front!


  7. Sally Says:

    Hi. Yes, I checked daily for a new post and finally was amply rewarded. But I knew you were busy or we’d have heard something. Love the photos! And every time you show your work I am amazed at your diversity. Sally

  8. Gari Says:

    Is that a blue jacket or vest? YOur wall is so varied: quite interesting.

  9. Anita Says:

    Glad to see all is well and that you are back blogging. I missed your posts.

    Many people I’ve talked with say they won’t be going back to Knoxville because of the parking situation at the convention center.