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Piglets are cute, even when they aren’t pink

OK…this was too adorable not to share!  This version is shortened because parts of the original (see link below) have songs that aren’t exactly used according to copyright.  But I’m putting this version instead of the silent, longer one since I love the animal sounds:

PS…I originally saw it at where it has a fun song track, so click on the link if you want the whole shebang.  Enjoy!

3 Responses to “Piglets are cute, even when they aren’t pink”

  1. Janet Says:

    Ok, first the flash mob, now this … you’re making my utube sharing easy!

    BTW, you book has beocme one of my the few that never sees the bookcase … lives next to my Janome! and I love the class samples you’ve been sharing lately. Thanks!

  2. Caron Mosey Says:

    That is ADORABLE! Makes me ALMOST want one!

  3. Dorothy Karman Says:

    Dear little fellow. If I had one he could play with my two little dogs? Maybe not, they might eat him or frighten him. The trouble with piglets is that they grow into large pigs. Have a great Christmas. Dorothy.