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Guardian Angels wear helmets

Well, this falls into the category of “Do not go faster than your guardian angels can fly,” as week took a decided turn toward the unexpected at about 4:45 pm Monday. That is when our son Joshua, 13, and NOT wearing a helmet (despite us badgering him, taking the bike away, etc.) was on his bike and hit by a car. Thanks to a not-so-small miracle, and a host of guardian angels, he will (after he heals) be fine, as he “only” suffered breaks of all three major bones in his left leg. I am so grateful I still have two sons alive, that Joshua is (a) not dead, (b) not a vegetable, (c) not paralyzed, (d) not full of massive internal injuries and shattered bones, or (e) a combination of all of the above.

SQUEAMISH ALERT: I will be posting photos of Joshua in the hospital down a bit, so if you don’t want to see it, don’t look. However, if you want your kid to realize that they are not invulnerable, make them come read this post and the article in our local newspaper that is online (link below).

On Monday at about 4:30, our son Joshua, 13, headed to town on his bike to the library. He took a right turn onto a moderately busy road (by Maine standards anyway) too fast, way too fast, and his brakes didn’t work well, or he was going too fast, and there was gravel. …whatever….. he swerved into the far lane and oncoming Jeep SUV, as usual NOT wearing a helmet. The left front of the car hit Joshua in the left leg hard (35 mph zone)… when we got to him (a block from our home) his left leg was a “Z” (or maybe two). His thigh bone went in a “V” in one direction, and his shin bones went in a “V” in the other (and one poked out). His three major leg bones are broken–pic below of after surgery.

The miracle is that that is ALL that appears to be seriously wrong: not dead, not a vegetable, no head trauma other than one stitch on his scalp (a staple…remember the staples challenge?), no internal injuries, back and neck not broken, nothing else broken…….. his vision is a little blut=rry but that may be exhaustion… I hope. He will have a painful recovery, and I’m sure this is NOT what he wanted to write in “what I did this summer.” His leg looks like an erector set (an external fixator it is called…. I think the subject of my journal quilt just changed)….. eight pins screwed into the leg, three long rods on the outside. The only major concern is potential for infection through the wound where the tibia (or fibula?) tore through the calf…

Joshus looks at the Village Soup online article

Anyway, I don’t know how many angels were riding pillion on his bike, and how many more were riding with the petrified young woman who hit him (poor thing I think is going to have nightmares for a long time…we called them from the hospital again this morning to say he was gonna be OK once he heals, and he is young and strong and
healthy), and her dad told me they locked eyes at one point…shudder for both. Joshua doesn’t remember much …seeing the car and thinking “Oh oh, this isn’t gonna be good.”
Joshua grinning

Paul and I have been taking turns staying overnight at the regional trauma center in Bangor, 90 minutes away, and taking Eli to camp and semi-normalcy down in Camden. How Joshua managed no head trauma is beyond me…. and the support of friends and community is overwhelming…….

Here’s a link to the coverage in the local online paper which was quite good.

So tell everyone you know, WEAR YOUR HELMETS. If Joshua had been 6 inches farther into the lane, he would have had massive internal injuries, possibly a crushed skull and dead.

leg 2If he had been riding his old bike, which he prefers, he would have been killed instantly–if his head had looked like his leg, it would have been over right there.

leg 1

Joshua was in surgery on Wednesday (I’m typing part of this as he is in the 7th hour of surgery to repair his leg) to get rid of most of the external fixator (the rods on the outside), get a “pin” / metal rod inserted into his thigh bone, and clean up the wound where the bone broke the skin. He will be in the fixator and/or a cast for 6-8 weeks, and the surgeon told us an hour ago (came up to give us an update as a colleague worked on the other part of his leg) that it takes 4 months for a shinbone to heal completely. He will be on crutches, maybe a wheelchair. So kids, this isn’t a picnic. WEAR YOUR HELMETS! and obey the traffic laws (like stopping at the stop sign!), and don’t go too fast on blind curves. In a close encounter between you and a car, the car is going to win.

Immeasurable thanks to all who have written sending prayers and white light and love and support…it helps more than you can imagine.  I will share your messages with Joshua later–he is so very touched by all his friends and those of you at the other end of the ether who are pulling for him.

   Hugs, Sarah, who is grateful to all the gods and angels in all the worlds that I still have two living sons

16 Responses to “Guardian Angels wear helmets”

  1. dee Says:

    Sending prayers your way for Joshua and hope you will soon recover your emotional sanity as well. That poor Dear. You sound like you’re doing better than most in this situation.Thank God these kids are so much stronger than we imagine. Don’t forget to breathe. Angels, indeed, were in on this. God Bless.

  2. Jen Buettner Says:

    Oh Sarah, I’m so glad he’s going to be ok. I’ve been reading your posts on the 6500 board and I’ve got to say you’ve had a really great attitude about this. I think it was wonderful that you called and spoke to the girl that hit him. You have so much compassion.

  3. Ferret Says:

    I’ve had a few nasty bike crashes myself, and well it does happen, but boy was he lucky. Hope he has learned something from this.

    I actualy wanted to comment to say how impressed I was that you had been thinking of the driver and kept her up to date with his progress. It’s rare that people bother with things like that and I am sure she will appreciate your efforts.

    Take care, and don’t wear the angels out with too many close calls like this one.

  4. joyce Says:

    Oh how frightening. It looks bad enough but I can see that it might have been much worse. Head injuries are so common in bike accidents. I wish him a speedy recovery and no permanent damage.

  5. Karoda Says:

    Sarah, I’m truly grateful you son is okay. My mother use to tell us “a hard head makes a soft behind”. Keep us abreast of his progress.

  6. Carol Soderlund Says:

    Oh, Sarah, I have been in that waiting room (pins, spikes and screws reassembling the ankle of my eldest) and I feel for you! What a blessing that he is still alive and sassy! Big hug, to get you through the next long days,

  7. Quilting Fitzy Says:

    Oh Sarah, I’m glad things worked out ok. He has a long road of recovery ahead, and it will be a little stressful for you and the family. You have lots to be thankful for, and I’m delighted that his angels were with him that day!

  8. Julia Says:

    This sounds like one of those tough life lessons. I am so glad that he will heal and be o.k. You and your family will be added to my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Diane D. Says:

    Sarah, I’m certainly thinking positive thoughts for you and your family. I’m so glad that eventually Joshua will be OK, and that his injuries weren’t worse. Good luck to all of you during the recovery process!

  10. Susie Says:

    SO glad he is still here with you! That must have been so scary.
    Glad that he is relatively ok and on his way to healing.
    My prayers and thoughts are with him,you, and the rest of your family.
    Moderator, Lazy Girl Designs 🙂

  11. QuiltingJourney Says:

    was updating ‘my remember this quote’ page and I had just typed this: “If you want something really important to be done you must not merely satisfy the reason, you must move the heart also.”Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Then I came to your web page and the story of Josh. I am moved through the heart. I will carry your son and you in my journey today and like so many others send blessings for healing. His hard time may just move and teach others through his story. Those who doubt the existence of guardian angels just haven’t had their own hearts moved and tested yet!

  12. Jennifer Says:

    Praise be to God and all that you hold holy. His guardian angels have earned their wings with this close call. My prayers are with you for an uneventful, speedy recovery. The whole family will be stronger for this incident and everyone has learned a valuable lesson.

  13. margi Says:

    Lord have mercy Sarah! I’m still sitting here with goosebumps after reading your post and seeing that handsome young man all bungled up in that hospital bed. I so just want to fly there, scoop him up and wisk away all of his pain with a swish of an extra Mom hand. I will continue to thank all the powers to be that this is a very hard lesson learned for Joshua and not a total heartbreak for his family and friends. Love and hugs.

  14. Sioux Says:

    Oh, Sarah, I am so thankful that Joshua is going to be ok. God bless him. And I remember the traffic in Camden 15 years ago was pretty intense, so I can’t imagine the traffic now. I pray his recovery goes exceptionally well. Our wishes from Texas to Joshua!

  15. Roni Says:

    About 10 years ago, on Father’s Day, we received a call that my husband’s then 16 year old daughter was being air lifted from a bad car accident in which she was driving. I can fully empithize with your emotions.

    Everytime we see the care flight chopper fly overhead we always say a little prayer to God that he brings everyone on board home safely.

  16. Erin Says:

    Sarah and Joshua, I am so sorry that Joshua was in the accident, have been following the progress and praying for a complete recovery. Our son, Joseph, had the exact same injuries from a cycle accident. He went through nine surgeries for his leg, the external fixations, pins, skin grafts, pt, pain meds and blood transfusions, etc. We are in NH. If you ever need anything I am an email away! we know what you are going through! My prayers are with you daily! Erin