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A little gloat!

First off, happy Bastille Day (France’s National Day) to one and all. Now, to our regularly scheduled blogging:

… Oooh boy, has it been a good week! Earlier this week I received in the mail my very first EVER paycheck for writing something: an article for a major quilting magazine! I will be able to tell you more about that in about 2 weeks. Then, yesterday (so much for Friday the 13th…hah! It is good luck Friday this time!), I got another check, this one for two projects that will be in a Lark Books publication that will come out in May 2008! I’ll share more about that next spring when we get publicity stuff, but to say that I am chuffed (to borrow some Aussie-speak, I just love that word) is a major understatement.

The funds are earmarked for paying for a five-day workshop with Carol Soderlund at ProChem, in Fall Rivers, Massachusetts. Long-time readers (thank you!) may remember that I took a 5-day intro dyeing class there with her last summer. Well, I get to take Week 2 this October, and I can’t wait. I haven’t done much dyeing since then (like one yard only!), but will do about 50 t-shirts this coming week and a bunch more in September. And I can say that if you EVER want to learn to dye fabric, take Carol’s class. She earns rave reviews from EVERYone for a reason, and your “color bible” is indeed one of those “grab when the house is on fire” items!

Been working madly on the book….. here is a wicked little tease, a photo to illustrate applique and reverse applique:


and another bit of a tease, since I won’t even tell you what it’s for!

Pineapple corner

2 Responses to “A little gloat!”

  1. Vicky Says:

    Teasing us is not very nice!!! more, more lol

  2. maggie Says:

    congratulations! getting published is a big accomplishment. i can read the pride and excitement in your post.

    anxiously awaiting the details…
