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way cool graphics

Just a brief note today…. somewhere in catching up on various blogs I came across this link for a man who does graphic designs, book covers, posters and websites.  Honestly, the site is not very intuitive.  You have to wait for a flash opening, then a skinny line with no words or any other hints pops up.  Click on the middle of it, and the line will blink, and then you can mouse over the color bars to see Covers, Books, Web, Type, Posters and Contact.  Little circles will appear on either side of the color bar.  If you click on THOSE you will be rewarded for navigating this not-so-helpful site design with a feast of glorious, and very different designs.

I love this book cover, and this one.   Hmmm…OK, those links may take you to the same page.  Click on the third and fifth dots to the right of the vertical color band!  And the first poster I would order if he still had it…. try clicking here, it is the top dot:  here .

I’m screamingly busy working on my book, so hope to have more quilty and art-y content anon.

One Response to “way cool graphics”

  1. Sioux Says:

    Man, you were right about the website. It certainly isn’t user friendly. Hope the book is going well!