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Update on Joshua

The outpouring of caring, friendship, concern, prayers, white light and good thoughts is amazing, sustaining and just plain wonderful…thank you, thank you all!

Joshua has, as of Friday evening, had three surgeries in one week! The first, right after the accident, was to stabilize the breaks until he was stable enough for the long “fix it” surgery. That one began at 1 pm Wednesday and lasted SEVEN hours! They placed a rod in his femur, and external fixator (tinker toy on the outside) of his shin / calf, and had to do two fasciotomies (sp?) which are long incisions on either side of his calf. These were to allow the wounded muscles to swell without killing muscle tissue (from the constriction that would have happened if squoze by the skin)…had they not made these incisions, he could very likely have had gangrene and lost his leg—shudder! (here’s a link, but I warn you the photo is not for the squeamish).

On Friday, he went in for “maintenance” surgery; basically, cleaning the wounds and changing the dressings is so painful, they do it under a general anesthetic. They were hoping to close one of the fasciotomies, but as I type I’m not sure what the results were as I am home with Eli and the animals, and Paul is with Joshua in post-op recovery (last minute note: swelling still too much to close up, so maybe Sunday). The only bad news is that Joshua had to have a transfusion because of serious anemia; I REALLY don’t like the idea of a transfusion in an AIDS world, but not to have one would have been worse. Erg. (Last minute update…hoooray! They didn’t do it after all… I will donate a unit tomorrow as we have the same blood type…hope he won’t need it, adn they can then put it into the general blood bank!)  Best of all NO signs of any infections…hallelujah!

Anyway, Joshua has been an amazing trooper, getting through the pain (the changing of sheets and bathing today was the only thing that has brought me to total tears), being polite to all the staff no matter how much he hurts. He makes me incredibly proud of him–even more than I already was, if that’s possible! Eli, too, has been a trooper through all the disruption, and our friends and neighbors and parents of his friends have been phenomenally supportive and helpful; just knowing they are there in case we need them to take Eli for an evening or a night is the most amazing help–even if we never need to take them up on the offer. Another blessing!

Now I need to go deal with the house. And oh yeah…amidst all of this today, my cell phone croaked! So an emergency replacement will arrive tomorrow…so I have to stay home and WAIT for it before returning to the hospital. AAAARGH. At least Verizon was understanding and cooperative and helpful, and tolerant of my crankiness (for which I apologized in advance, explaining I was ultra-stressed and why). Paul and I are both holding up well. As I said before…the fact that Joshua is alive makes these incredibly serious fractures and some complications seem minor in comparison. Blessed again.

I think there are many more angels out there than I ever realized.

9 Responses to “Update on Joshua”

  1. Sandra Wyman Says:

    So glad to hear that things are coming along Sarah and so sorry to hear about what happened to Joshua. I hope he will soon be on the mend. My thoughts are with you and your family

  2. Quilting Fitzy Says:

    Many, many hugs for you and the family.

  3. Doris Jacobson Says:

    Sarah & Family,
    I would so agree that many angels kinda hang around you & yours. Joshua has a long road ahead but not an impossible one & he is alive to enjoy it; praise the Lord!!!! Our hearts go out to each of you; how well we know these stresses that come into each of our lives. Good days ahead with thankful hearts to have your son alive & healing.
    Doris Jacobson

  4. Julia Says:

    So glad that things are going fairly well for Joshua. Tell him that all of your bloggy friends are sending prayers and warm hugs his way. I am also sending a few to you and Paul, parents hurt when their children do.

  5. terry grant Says:

    Hi Sarah, I’ve been away from the computer for several days and just caught up with your news. Thankful to hear your son is doing so well, though the injuries don’t sound like any fun to deal with. My best to you and your family.

  6. M Says:

    Thinking of you as always … tell Josh to hang in there.

  7. Sally Heydt Says:

    I am a member of the Lazy Girl Group. Just wanted you to know that this mother of 4 sends her thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Definitely Joshua had a guardian angel with him. What a difficult lesson for our young, but at least he is still with you. Blessings to all. I know how tired you and your husband must be. Let your friends help when they offer! Or, call them and ask. I know there are many very willing to help you. May God’s peace and love help sustain you during this difficult time.

    Sally Heydt,
    Miami, OK

  8. Carolyn Howland Says:

    Sarah, many prayers are out to you, Joshua, and your entire family. It sounds as if your have raised a very brave and gentle young man. His youth and attitude will make all the difference in healing and rehab. My brother had to have the same type of external device while in his 30’s and has only a hint of a limp when he is very tired, so Joshua can have a full recovery if he is willing to work for it. I pray for strength for all of you and extra skill on the part of the doctors.

  9. teri Says:

    Oh Sarah- I just heard. Poor Joshua and poor you and Paul!! I put my parents thru this in 1969 only I got hit by the car while crossing the street and managed to only shatter the right femur and some compression injuries to wrists and spine- thankfully nothing drastic. I did stop growing at that point (damage was the growth plate). 8 weeks in traction then 3 surgeries. I pay for it daily with osteoarthritis (which I still contend is not from the injury as I have it elsewhere too).

    Give Josh my best and my love and hugs to you and Paul. If Josh gets touchy, let it pass; it’s bad being laid up like that as a teen and he will take it out on you guys because you are easy targets but he really is glad you are there!!

    Love you honey!!

    teri in very wet Chester, NS