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A brief return to quilting….teaching in Montreal and Lowell, Mass.!

Well, just a quick note and alas no pictures, but I am THRILLED to say that I will be teaching in two wonderful venues next year! I have been invited to teach at Salon 2008, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 22 to 25. The show is sponsored by Courtepointe Quebec Quilts. I will be teaching in English, but my rusty French may be revived and expanded to include quilting terms!

AND I just learned that I will be teaching at the Images Quilt show / Quilt Festival in Lowell, Massachusetts next year August 7-10. WOOHOOO!

Will return in a couple of days with a Joshua update, and hope that life returns to a semblance of normalcy in a week or two (at which point hubby Paul will go in for his delayed rotator cuff surgery, which was to have been the day after Joshua’s accident). Oh joy…two male patients in the house LOL! Wonder if Doritos would help? for them…I’ll take the pina coladas…..

One Response to “A brief return to quilting….teaching in Montreal and Lowell, Mass.!”

  1. Lisa Says:

    That’s wonderful news Sarah. You deserve it after a really bad week.