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A Moment of Beauty (well, several), mid-April 2011

THIS is why you always want to schlep a camera with you….. was heading from Hope to Camden to pick up the teenager at his girlfriend’s.  This is what I saw as I went down the driveway:

And this slightly zoomed view:

Then, as I went down the last hill on Route 105 into Camden, the most enormous moon I’ve ever seen (even larger than that huge one a month or two ago) loomed up over a rooftop.  I promptly called the teen and said I would be a couple minutes late, I needed to drive down to the harbor and take some pics….here’s the best of the bunch:

And going back UP the driveway at home, this breathtaking moon and clouds!  Be still my beating heart!  How did I get to be so lucky as to live here?

4 Responses to “A Moment of Beauty (well, several), mid-April 2011”

  1. Judy Warner Says:


  2. Sally Says:


  3. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    One must have an appreciative eye to recognize such wonders — and you do!

  4. Gari Says:

    And which picture will wind up in a quilt?