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Morning Still Life

On Monday, before we knew Joshua would be coming home, I had a quiet moment. Eli was off to camp and I was all alone in the house (a RARE occurrence). There was a ripe mango in the fridge. Not for long…. when I set my things down to eat and read e-mails, I thought this looked so lovely:Morning Still Life

So that is my morning beauty break…. Joshua is improving daily, though he has a long way to go. Having friends over all day nearly wore him out yesterday, but he was so happy having first Taylor, then Kristina. And my Coastal Quilter friend Leigh Smith made us the most incredible dinner (which lasted for two!) of homemade lasagna, Italian bread, ice cream, and even some red wine (with two straws, which Paul had joked we would need since we were too tired to pour a glass), and a heavenly smelling candle! I should have taken pictures, but instead we inhaled the dinner. Gotta get her recipe!

6 Responses to “Morning Still Life”

  1. Jane LaFazio Says:

    sarah, I just left a long comment and hit submit and then got an error message. this is a test before I try it again.

  2. Jane LaFazio Says:

    okay, so the first comment didn’t go through. Here’s what I wrote: I saw your post on SAQA and came over hear to find out about Joshua. My goodness! What an ordeal! Three weeks in the hospital is a VERY long time in this day and age. I’m so glad he’s home, but now you’ve got recovery and rehab ahead of you. You have a TOO full plate, what with dear Joshua and your recent quilting arts successes! my heart goes out to you. and do know that if I lived nearby, I’d bring a gourmet dinner too!

  3. kathy Says:

    This is a very nice photo, Sarah. Tell me, how do you cut your mangoes in those nice halves?

  4. Spider Says:

    Its nice to hear that Joshua is getting better. Hope he gets on his feet fast.

    Apple, Mango, Tea/Coffee and Mouse – very different collection. The mango reminded me of the heavenly mangoes that would be available at this time in India.

  5. debbi Says:

    Hi, I don’t know how I lost contact with you. Your new site is very nice. I have updated bloglines with the new site and will keep in touch. I have missed so much and was very sad to read about Joshua. I am very happy to read he is home and doing much better. I will keep your all in my prayers and I send my best wishes for a fast recovery.

  6. judy perez Says:

    Hey Sarah congrats on the show and that Joshua is home safe and sound and on the mend. What an ordeal you have been through and managed to keep the rest of your life together at the same time. Good for you. I think a day at the spa is what you deserve after getting through all this and still having your sanity.

    big hugs,