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Foto/Fiber cancer fundraiser begins today

and ends tomorrow!  So move quickly if you’d like to participate!

Four Ways to Win with Foto/Fiber 2012

A quick reminder that Foto/Fiber 2012, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, TODAY, February 15, at 10 a.m. Central.  I am honored to be part of this event and hope you will support our efforts.  Prizes are donated by many artists and will be sent directly when someone makes a set donation to the ACS.

There are 4 ways to win with this fundraiser – one of which is that 100% of the funds are donated directly to the American Cancer Society through
Fiberart For A Cause. The other three are detailed here today.

For full information go to Virginia Spiegel’s website page dedicated to this fundraiser here.  Over the past few years, Virginia’s efforts to raise cancer research funds have surpassed US $215,000….that’s all because of one woman helped by a whole lot of women and men.  She called it FFAC:  FiberArt For A Cause.  I know that every one of us has been touched by cancer in some way, and I’m proud to help.  Here’s to Daddy, Charlie, Linda W. and to my many friends who have had cancer of some sort and survived.  Even hubby Paul had a skin cancer on his face… Daddy had lots of them, they are fairly benign most of the time, but that’s what too much sun on too pale skin does…. even if you can’t afford to participate in the event by donating today, DO go take a look and pass the word to your friends! Thanks, Sarah

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