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Teaching in Houston! Quilt at AQS Lancaster!

Hi all…great news this week:  I’ve been selected to be on the Faculty at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas…as in: I’m teaching at the best show in the world! (I taught there are few years ago, and am thrilled and considerably less terrified now return… I know I can do it!)  I will have full-day classes Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, will participate in the Machine Quilting Forum on Thursday morning, and may well do a 30-minute “Meet our Teachers” demo on the quilt show floor (schedules permitting)  and participate in the “Friday Sampler” from 10-Noon.  If the scheduling for the latter two works, I’ll be demo-ing my fused collage technique at the “Meet our Teachers” and on Friday will share/demonstrate free-motion quilting!  And as always, Janome-America will be able to lend me a machine for my demos…yeah and thank you Janome!

Here’s my Festival schedule:

  • Monday, October 29:  Fine Finishes–edge finish techniques; full day class
  • Tuesday, October 30:  Birch Pond Seasons–fused collage landscape; full day class
  • Wednesday, October 31:  Decorative Stitch Applique–learn to use all those fun stitches on your machine! Full day class
  • Thursday, November 1:  Fun with Fancy Threads–the trick to metallics, holographics an other fussy thread; 9-Noon
  • Friday, November 2 (tentative): Friday Sampler–free-motion quilting; 10-Noon
  • Thursday afternoon or Friday afternoon (tentative)–a 30 minute demo at the Meet the Teacher area on the show floor
  • Thursday afternoon or Friday afternoon (likely)–demo(s) at the MistyFuse booth again… love MF and Iris (the owner)!
  • Saturday:  PLAYTIME!

Not sure yet if I’ll stay and see the show on Sunday, too… I just may given how busy my schedule has become!

I sure hope to see some of you in Houston and, even better, in my classes! When the show/class catalog comes out, I’ll post to the blog with pictures from the classes and links to previous classes I’ve taught so you can see student work.  FUN!

AND….. drum roll…. the portrait of my son, Joshua, has been juried into the AQS Lancaster show (March 14-17)!

The quilt is too small to fit into the categories for Paducah (must be 40 inches wide, and this one is 36 inches wide by 48 long), so this is the show for which it fits into a category.  I’m thrilled, as I think this is probably the best quilt I’ve ever made.

The Quilters Heritage Celebration show (now defunct) used to take place in Lancaster in March, and it was the first major quilt show I ever attended, driving up from when we lived in the metro DC area.  I love going there and hope some day to be able to teach at AQS Lancaster (which picked up the show-in-Lancaster after QHC ended/retire).  If I can just get my schedule clear for March then I can apply (currently there is a conflict with son’s wrestling season!).  Anyway, it’s been a good quilty start to the year!

10 Responses to “Teaching in Houston! Quilt at AQS Lancaster!”

  1. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    Major Congratulations! You have earned all the accolades!

  2. JACQUIE Says:

    Good going! With your busy teaching schedule there I hope you can stockpile some sleep before you go to Houston. Great going for the Josh quilt as well.

  3. Donna Keller Says:

    Congratulations on teaching in Houston and on your Josh quilt! YAY! Hopefully, I’ll get to meet you in Houston this year.

  4. Robin Parton Says:

    Congratulations, I know how hard you have worked to get to the teaching point. Also congrats on having your Josh quilt accepted, it is great and sure to have a ribbon.

  5. Audrey Says:

    Congratulations. I put your name down on a survey so I’m doubly happy to see your teaching there. Hopefully I will be able to get there this year.

    Thanks to your input on Misty Fuse in the booth in 2010, I have been using it. I love it. There was a learning curve that seemed steep until you showed me how easy it actually is to use it.

  6. Bev in NC Says:

    That’s great about Lancaster!!! Will it be at Mid Atlantic later this month? I’m going and would love to see it in person.

  7. Wanda Myers Says:


  8. Jan in Scotland Says:

    Congratulations Sarah both on the teaching appointment and on having your Josh quilt accepted. I too am sure you will get a ribbon.

  9. Betty Johnson Says:

    How great, Sarah. Remember not so long ago you were wondering if you could really “make it”?
    Have you ever! Betty

  10. Barbara Says:

    Congratulations Sarah. That is fantastic.