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Coming Home

We got home two days ago from a lovely trip to Florida.  While away I was able to post a few pics to Facebook, but I’ll make up for that here soon!  Just wanted to check in and let you know I’ve got lots coming–I just need to nail my seat to the chair and process photos and blog about it!  One of the nicest things about coming home is seeing the Camden Hills — once you spot them, you know you’re almost there!   Florida was hot and humid, and we were looking forward to a respite here in Maine.  The temps have been about 20 degrees cooler (in the 70s not 90+) but it has been mighty humid–the weather should change (PHEW) tomorrow!

This was my first flight coming in at dusk, with the lights of the coast visible. The town you see in the mid-ground is Rockland, a dozen miles or so south of our home. The Camden Hills are in the distance, and Camden town itself if off to the right of the photo. BEAUTIFUL!

One of the reasons I love flying in is seeing the familiar places from a bird’s-eye perspective.  And flying in at sunset gives you great pics of the sky…..

And as always, there is quilting inspiration.  As I was lolling in bed this morning, I was thinking about a quilt I want to make–something Quilt Modern-ish:  equilateral triangles in blues and aquas and spring greens, and how I would quilt it (bed size this one will be!).  I want the quilting to be easy and approachable (thinking ahead to a book on quilting design) for the beginner or the advanced-but-busy quilter, and was thinking about the patterns of the currents on the surface of the ocean:

Looking southwest over the peninsulas of mid-coast Maine as we approached Owl’s Head / Rockland airport at sunset.

Now I need to go get some exercise, run some errands, then get home before the next downpour adds to the already 100-percent humidity outside!

One Response to “Coming Home”

  1. Sally Says:

    Wondered what was keeping you from blogging. Isn’t it tough when you’re ordered to rest! Hate doing it and I suspect you do to. There’s always so much to do (and I don’t mean housework)!