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A cold Sunday in Maine

So what do you do? If you are me, you quilt. If you are a cat or honorary cat (the pug), you sleep by the woodstove! Hmmm… wonder if they’d make ME and honorary cat and let me join them?

cats by stove

Here’s what I was doing while they were sleeping… I added the pillow backing and bound my “quilt.” This is the extra block from my Nourish quilt. You saw this piece a few days ago unquilted…. well, I finally got some studio time (what little there was this week), and got this piece quilted in time to share at my Intro to machine quilting class yesterday at Quilt Divas in Rockland. Although I am probably better known (to the small extent that anyone knows who I am) for art quilts, I totally love, Love, LOVE Hawaiian quilts. I am also not one known for liking symmetry, either, but something about them sings to me.


I designed a large-ish quilt (about 68×68) for my book called Nourish the Body, Nourish the Soul, which features Ulu (breadfruit), Taro and Pineapple blocks (the Nourish the Body part), and Bird of Paradise and Plumeria (and I hope heaven smells like that, making the rash assumption I’ll get there)…. I ended up placing the Plumeria block in the center of the big quilt, which meant the other plumeria block was the odd man out. Blocks are 18 inches square, and I added a 3/8″ inner sashing and 3 1/2″ border. If you click on the photo, you’ll get a larger view. Hope you like!

2 Responses to “A cold Sunday in Maine”

  1. joyce Says:

    I love it! Your colors are perfect. I really like Hawaiian quilts too but have never tried one. When my machine applique gets better I might think about a small one.

  2. Caitlin O'Connor Says:

    Sarah, this is LOVELY! ooooh, how long ’til your book? I WANT!!