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Back and busy! and a bit of surfing….

Well it has been a busy week, or three, but Mom is now moved to MAINE! WOOOT! I’ll post some pics in a while, but just a bit of internet surfing for your entertainment today. To make a long story short, my dear 89-year old Mom has just made what we all hope, for her sake, will be her last major move….since she’s gone from Wyoming (birth), to West Virginia, to Japan, all over the Orient, South America, Europe, back to South America and finally to California in 1964. Anyway, now she’s here and we are all starting to de-stress. On our last day in Marin, we went to lunch at Insalata, in San Anselmo (the town I lived in from 7th through 12th grade). My beloved sister in law Joyce came up to help with the moving days… the first photo is of Mom and Joyce, the second of me with Ma.


One good way to de-stress is by surfing the internet, so here are some tidbits for you which I’ve visited in the past few days:

Alicia Merrett is an art quilter in the UK. I particularly like her Shakespeare and Sonnet 18 series–click on her Gallery tab, then scroll down and click on the link for that gallery.

Color Chart: Reinventing Color Since 1950 is on the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) site, and I’m putting the link here in this blogpost so I don’t lose it… I want to go fritter some time away playing with it!

I also got myself on the e-mail list for Folkwear Patterns... I’ve been a fan for 25 years plus (as in from the beginning!). I’m so thrilled they still exist and have expanded their line. I must have at least a dozen of the patterns, and have made and worn most of them. They don’t have to look costume-y or outlandish… it all depends on how you select your fabric and wear them…. you can go funky, hippie, or just artsy chic! Anyway, the Photo Gallery I hadn’t seen before, and there is some real inspiration here.

More anon… it is REALLY good to be home!

2 Responses to “Back and busy! and a bit of surfing….”

  1. Susan Brubaker Knapp Says:

    So glad you have your mom settled in now. I know this must have been very stressful for all involved.
    and … Wow! Loved looking at the Folkwear Patterns gallery. Thanks for telling us about it. What a wonderful resource.

  2. Jacquie Says:

    Glad you made it back with your sanity intact. Hope your mom likes her new residence and it will be so wonderful for both of you to be able to visit pretty much at will. Your sons will have a chance to get to know her a little too.

    And now to return to your (ir)regularly scheduled life…
