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Mom’s in Maine

No, I have NOT fallen off the face of the Earth, though some days I am tired enough to do that! Instead, I’ve gotten mom settled in to her new digs at Quarry Hill. On Wednesday, the moving van arrived a day early, so I’ve been unpacking like a whirling dervish. We are down to the last few boxes in Mom’s place, the rest is safely stored in a storage unit, and today or Monday it will be paintings on the wall!

We survived the trip intact, Mom is settling in, and thought I’d share a few quick pics of mom’s first visit to our house. Of course, the critters had to come meet Mom:

Yeti says hi to Ma

This one is Yeti, the ginormous dog-beast (aka Tibetan Mastiff). When he was about 2 (and as large as he is now) he tried to climb up and sit on mom’s lap when we lived in Friday Harbor, which was hilarious! Fortunately, Mom thought it was funny too, and wasn’t scared! And here, Zeus comes to check out the newcomer:

Zeus and Ma

Next blogpost: Eli is TEN (and how the heck did THAT happen so fast, and why haven’t I lost the pregnancy weight????) and then, I promise, some art. Alas, not mine, but art!

5 Responses to “Mom’s in Maine”

  1. dee Says:

    What wonderful pictures Sarah. You must be exhausted but very happy that all went well. I enjoyed the travelog along the way. Your mother looks lovely and Yeti always reminds me of Clifford-only beige. Everything looks tiny next to him.

  2. Marie Says:

    Hooray for you ! You did it all .. now things should start to settle a bit. Miss you, as usual !

  3. Dale Anne Says:

    Now that you have her moved closer, you’ll be less stressed. I’m sure she’s happy to be close to you also.

  4. Jacquie Says:

    Nice to see your mom looking so happy with the animals.

    As for Eli’s age — that’s what kids do even when you are looking: get older! I’m still a bit freaked that my ‘baby’ is turning 45 this year!

  5. Wolfie Says:

    What a relief that the move went without a hassle. And – I just love your dog!!! My furry gals send some Swedish doggie kisses:-D