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I’ve been nominated!

Thanks to Deirdre Abbotts, I’ve been awarded the the


First the Rules:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.  It’s right up on top

2. Link to the person you received your award from.

You can find Dierdre at Deirdre’s Sloppy Studios

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.

4. Put links of those blogs on yours.

  1. A perennial favorite is my friend Marie’s blog…her photography is just ONE of the many things she does wonderfully! Being a good friend is another one!
  2. Dijanne Cevaal’s work and blog never cease to inspire me!
  3. Elin Waterston has been exploring stamp-making this year on Love.Will.Logic, her blog….. I’ll admit to being just a tad jealous of the time she has to make things!
  4. Blue Moon River is Susan Brubaker Knapp’s blog; I met her not too long ago online, and we’ve had a fun time writing back and forth.  I can see her background in graphic design in her work, and not only enjoy it but learn from her work!
  5. Planet Textile Threads isn’t really one person’s blog, but a whole bunch of people (in the interest of complete disclosure, me included).  I love being able to travel the world in one blog, with so many points of view.
  6. Judy Coates Perez makes wholecloth quilts…she paints, then she quilts.  They are amazing, there’s never a dud, and you can see them here.
  7. Even though she was also on Deirdre’s list, I’m also going to name my friend Lisa Walton, in Sydney, Australia!  Her blog is here.  I LOVE that we can live half a world apart, meet on the internet, then meet in Houston (at Quilt Festival of course), and get to be good friends despite not being near each other in person.

5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.

I’m off to do that now.  Hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do!


And then  I’m off to work…. I’ve been really busy quilting lately, then hope to be really busy working on the manuscript and samples for my oft-delayed book.  This weekend, tho, will be spectacular.  On Saturday Deborah flies in from Texas!   She is staying with Kate, and on Sunday we will all get to have a sleepover at Kate’s neighbor’s empty (summer) house, then go to a workshop with Natasha Kemper-Cullen on Monday.  Get ready for good eye candy… this is going to be SUCH a treat!

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