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Double chicken wing, or E. rocks!

It has been a long time since I posted about our sons… somehow the vastness and sometimes-creepiness of the internet (and the fear of what may be lurking at the dark ends of cyberspace) have led me to be significantly more cautious about what I say and post.  But let’s face it…. kids and hubbies and family are what make life worth living.  They are also what constitutes “life happening” meaning that quilts don’t happen!  I wouldn’t give up either.  And, in these photos, the kids are basically unidentifiable, so here goes!

This season, our younger son’s second in wrestling, is proving to be a good one.  The first year on a wrestling team is often a learning year as the wrestlers figure out holds, what to do, what NOT to do, and learn to try to win (as opposed to wrestling “not to lose”).  This year, E. clearly is in the “going out to win” mode.

Last year, E. got pinned (and therefore lost) when a kid got him in what is called a double-chicken wing.  He achieved a goal this past meet:  he did it to another kid–see photo above!  So far this year, E. has had six matches with opponents (when the other team doesn’t have someone in the same weight class, he gets a technical win, but real ones are better).   He has pinned the opposing kid (which leads to more points for the team than winning by points alone) six out of six times.  In this past meet, he had four matches, won all four by pins, and won three of the four in the first period. E. ROCKS! Here’s how one of his matches went on a recent Saturday:

Shake hands first:

E. makes a move (he’s the one   on the top, with red stripes down the side and the headgear/ear protectors  falling off):

E. grapples, gets the kid in a near-pin, but not quite, so reconsiders and goes for a double-chicken wing (and don’t your shoulders hurt just looking at the poor kid on the bottom?)

…this is the classic…the losing kid is the one in the upside down, how-can-he-really-be-in-that-twisted-position:

To get a pin, BOTH of the opponent’s shoulder blades must be on the mat for one full second.  That means the ref ends up flat on the mat peering in unusual places and positions to make sure there is full contact for the full second.

PINNED!  Ref slams hand on mat, match is over, E WINS!  E ROCKS!  It is good *not* to be the one twisted up like a pretzel!

5 Responses to “Double chicken wing, or E. rocks!”

  1. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Eli rocks indeed! Give him my congrats.

  2. Jan Says:

    Exciting photos! I would not recognize these kids anywhere else. Yes, my shoulders are aching now! Way to go E!!!

  3. Kathy Schmidt Says:

    It’s a wonderful day when our children achieve something…it stays with us much longer than it stays with them! You are so right–family is what makes it ‘life worth happening.’ Woooo-hoooo, E!!!!

  4. Kathy Schmidt Says:

    It’s a wonderful day when our children achieve something…it stays with us much longer than it stays with them! You are so right–family is what makes it ‘life worth living.’ Woooo-hoooo, E!!!!

  5. Sally Says:

    Happy for you and your son! My main purpose in leaving a reply though is to be happy for you because I saw nice little write ups about your wonderful new book in both Down Under Quilts and also in QNM. I love that people are recognizing what a great resource it is. Congratulations!