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The Grand Canyon, briefly

Well…I’m only 2+ months behind on some blogging!  I’ve been busy on the road teaching in Arizona, Massahusetts and Ohio (at the NQA show!), and then Knoxville (AQS), TN, in July!   But I am trying to get caught up and share some of the lovely things I saw while on our family vacation after teaching in Arizona for the statewide quilt guild. Here is what the Grand Canyon looked like when we arrived at the South Rim in late April:

Notice that dark cloud on the horizon, especially to the left…well, it moved fast!  The following sequence of photos was taken as we walked along the rim…took all of 40 minutes.  We went from overcast:

Notice the cheerful (sigh…) family…woefully underdressed for the weather we were about to encounter:

All I can say is THANK HEAVENS the boys got this glimpse…even the jaded teenager went “WHOA!!!!!!” on first looking over the railing/wall!

To mist moving into the canyon about (literally) two minutes later:

Then looking down into the canyon:

And watching the veils of mist and snow and rain and shafts of sunlight–it was actually pretty cool to see this, as opposed to screaming blue skies and sunshine typical of summer:

To rain:

To clouds down in the canyon:

And the markers explaining the stone layers that you see:

And drifting cloud wisps–you can see the snow gathering on the north rim:

Then the north rim disappeared:

To SNOW…a late spring snowstorm.

To WhiteOut:

On the drive back to Flagstaff, cars on the Interstate highway had slowed to 25 miles an hour the road conditions were so slippery!  So before we got on the road, we went into the big old inn for some hot food.  I loved the table setting:

5 Responses to “The Grand Canyon, briefly”

  1. Hanneke Wood Says:

    There’s a quilt in there somewhere….

  2. Maggie Szafranski Says:

    WOW! Awesome photos! I love mists and clouds, and a good storm (one that doesn’t damage or kill)! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jacquie in Vermont Says:

    Not the usual photos of the Grand Canyon and I love them. There could be several quilts lurking in there and I will be watching for them …

  4. Linda Moran Says:

    Love the photos! Every time I have been (about 4 times now) it’s been sunny, with smog from LA these last couple of years. You got yourself photos most of us would die to get!!! I am envious!

  5. Marsha in California Says:

    We saw the Grand Canyon for the first time last July. Words do not do it justice …. your pictures are lovely! Were you able to see the condors flying? Quite a thrill for us.