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Autumn Leaves 2007

Autumn 2007-1

It is that glorious time of year again, when the air is crisp, the leaves are on fire, the sky is screaming blue (alternating with stormy gray). I don’t know if autumn is my favorite season because I was born in early October (yep, I hit FIFTY this month…. don’t feel a day over early-30s except for my knees!), or just because autumn is so spectacular. After retrieving two quilts from a local quilt show on Monday, I took lots and LOTS of pics on the way home. The one above is one of my favorites…. as usual, I love the close ups. I totally love the sharp contrast of the nearly-black bark and the bright oranges and reds. I’ve been really inspired by some of Dijanne Cevaal‘s recent quilts of treescapes (click on her name, which will take you to her July 2007 archives and scroll down to July 15 and 7), and after the Week 2 dyeing class with Carol Soderlund, think I have several TreeScape quilts in my future!

While on the way down to the quilts, I spotted this tree and, on my return, pulled over for the first of a series of road-side Driver’s Seat Snapshots:

Autumn 2007-10 Orange glow tree

Then there was a whole string of glorious shots (all from the car! I WAS careful and pulled over to the shoulder, etc). Here’s one of turning leaves–I love to see the progression of color change from the treetop and tips of the branches, flushing back towards the trunk.

Autumn 2007-9 Leaves turningThen of course there are the startling silhouettes of branches laden with red, the deep shadows of the northern woods behind:

Autumn 2007-8 Red maple branch

Here is a wide-angle shot, not so pretty, but it gives an idea of what the roadside looks like on Route 90 in Warren and Rockport:Autumn 2007-7 Roadside scenery

Here is a glorious massing of red:

Autumn 2007-6 Lotsa leaves

And a portrait of a young, understory maple:Autumn 2007-5 Understory maple

And another:

Autumn 2007-4 Red maple, trunk on left

Even the gas station had glorious shots. The best priced gas is at the independent station at Tolman Pond on Route 90 in Rockport. Here is a major zoom picture of the trees on the far end of the pond (in the West something this large would be called a small lake!):

Autumn 2007-2 Tolman Pond view

As I took the picture of the diesel pump, a guy asked me if I was focusing the camera. I said no, taking a picture. He allowed as how he’d never seen anyone take a picture of a gas pump before, but I think it makes a good photograph. Who knows, we all know I’m slightly deranged (said in a John Cleese voice, please! “Deeee-Ranged!”).

Autumn 2007-3 Diesel pump

2 Responses to “Autumn Leaves 2007”

  1. Jacquie Scuitto Says:

    Lovely colors! The trees of course, but the various colors in the gas pump photo are GREAT!

    I see an abstraction using those colors and shapes. I’m waiting…

  2. Jen Buettner Says:

    Mmmmm, I LOVE fall. I’m headed on a road trip this weekend and I can’t wait to see the colors. Maybe I should bust out my “real” camera instead of the digital. I could picture some of those as thread paintings.