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World Beach Project, Project 2

The sad news is that my lovely shells and brick project (blogged here) didn’t fit the criteria for the World Beach Project (click here to see a map of where the projects were made and here for the “lightbox”), but the note I received from the V&A staff was SO kind and thoughtful! I honestly didn’t realize the emphasis was on art made from stones. I had wanted to do more anyway, so when I was out visiting Mom, I asked if we could go to Fort Cronkhite (previous post) for one more visit. While there, Mother waited in the car while I trotted down to the beach with the goal of looking for carnelians and making another piece for the beach project.

Last minute update…the V&A has added my project to their project, here!

Alas, Cronkhite beach is much more nearly-sand and much less pebble-y than when I was a child, and I didn’t see a single carnelian (tho honestly I didn’t really have time to look much). I quickly set about gathering stones….. and started making swirls. There was a ladybug who flew in to check what I was doing, so I encouraged her to crawl up on my hand and help me:

Making the stone art, with ladybug

I added more, and the swirls became a tree of life.

Stone art, in progress 2

Finally, I added a single piece of beachglass to catch the light at the center-top to complete it:

Tree of Life

And here’s a view of the stone art looking across the beach to the south. Bird Rock and Point Bonita:

Stone art, done! view down toward Point Bonita

4 Responses to “World Beach Project, Project 2”

  1. Margie Says:

    Lovely artwork, Sarah. I used to love to collect carnelians on Cronkite beach myself. I think too many did and now they’re few and far between (and also illegal to remove since it’s part of the National recreation area now.) Glad the piece was added after all.

  2. Jacquie Says:

    So glad you were able to participate after all. I visited the web site with all of the others and enjoyed seeing what people had made and where they had made them. Most inspiring — but Vermont lacks beaches!

  3. natalya Says:

    it’s beautiful.. thank you for sharing…

  4. World Beach Project : Serendipity and the Art of the Quilt Says:

    […] in the month, I was reading Sarah Ann Smith’s blog and she wrote about her two contributions to the World Beach Project organised by the V&A […]